Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Herman Cain’s Tax Plan: Literally A PC Game Tax Plan?

What do you need to do to become a controversial Presidential candidate? The answer is make something up that will make you the talk of the town and that is what Presidential candidate Herman Cain plans on doing. Herman Cain’s Tax Plan 9-9-9 aims to simplify taxes and aims to help restore America back to greatness but where did this plan come from?
The speculation is that the idea comes from the computer game Simcity where 9% was imposed on residential taxes, 9% on commercial taxes and another 9% for industrial taxes, it does sound like Cain’s Tax Plan 9-9-9. Whether the idea came from the game or not, the senior producer for Maxis, Kip Katsarelis was thrilled with the fact that politicians are looking into PC games as an option to solve economic problems. According to Katsarelis, "We encourage politicians to continue to look to innovative games like SimCity for inspiration for social and economic change,"
Whatever the rumors and speculations are, the captain of Cain’s Economic team Rich Lowrie who came up with the bold 9-9-9 plan continues to keep shut about whether or not the idea came from a game that he himself might have enjoyed playing. Herman Cain and his party stands that the idea is original and accusations that the idea might have come from a computer game is quite unfair for the people who worked hard behind its development.
Herman Cain has long been known to be a very good businessman of 40 years experience in the business sector helping failing business to bounce back and helping to create jobs. He is the person behind the success of the Godfather’s pizza. With some years of budget making and the eye for business, Herman Cain could be the solution to America’s falling economy. With Cain’s tax plan, Americans would feel lighter with more spending money and lesser cuts on taxes. With this, the plan will also be able to unite tax payers and removes payroll taxes.
Original or not indeed Cain’s tax pan sparked the interest of many on the plans of Herman Cain when he becomes president. Would you give a pizza tycoon a chance to boost the American economy? He is a man that you can’t underestimate as he is the strongest candidate who is favored to run against Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney. Let the dollar remain a dollar, he aims toward economic stability and is dead-serious on winning the campaign for presidency.

For more information visit: CainsTaxPlan.com

Friday, October 21, 2011

Esteem Implants by Envoy Medical: Changing Your Life

Hearing plays a vital role in assuming daily activities and experiencing a good quality of life. Around ten percent of the world's populace in the present day are experiencing either complete or partial hearing loss. It isn't unknown to many that other people battling with partial or complete hearing loss lose out significantly in daily life such as social interactions and this may lead to major depression, anxiety, and isolation.
Thankfully, there is a permanent, practical solution in the form of Esteem Implants by Envoy Medical. Putting on the Esteem Implant will require you to go through surgery however the best thing is that there's no exterior part of the device making it more natural and consequently raises the quality of life. The technology of Esteem Implants is that it permits an even more natural perception of sound and works directly within the inner ear.
Esteem Implants is most effective to people affected by moderate to severe hearing difficulties particularly if conventional or traditional hearing aid do not work well. The technology used consists of a sound processor that is implanted behind the outer ear and 2 transducers that help capture and direct sound, that are implanted in the middle ear. The value of the implantation means that no one can see the Esteem hearing implants and you may continue your life normally and enjoy hearing sounds that have been noiseless for years. You don't have to be concerned whether or not Esteem implants are safe to be implanted because the materials used to make this are the same components used to create pacemakers. Significantly distinctive from the system used by traditional assistive hearing devices, Esteem implants utilize transducers to transmit vibrations to the brain and this reduces feedback and unnecessary sounds. The Esteem Implant cost is moderate when compared with other surgical procedures. Going through this procedure is safe and allows individuals to be able to gain back hearing devoid of dangerous and lengthy surgical treatments. This hearing system is unique, it will require lesser maintenance and battery replacement and the advantage is more compelling than the cost. You need to be familiar that The Esteem Implant consists of four vital parts such as the main sensor. Surgically implanting the device will make it a part of the ossicular chain allowing it to transfer vibrations directly and effectively to the brain. These impulses are directed to the sound processor, which filters and raises their strength and carries them to the driver. Connected to the middle ear is the driver that switches the impulse into normal vibrations that the brain will interpret as sounds. The sounds will be made clearer by the devices implanted in the ear, it works together for improved hearing. The ultimate part of the Esteem Implant by Envoy Medical system is the personal programmer allowing you to conveniently regulate the volume for whatever situation you are in, answering the phone, carrying on a conversation, or even just sitting outdoors and enjoying the sounds of nature. If you want a more practical and hassle-free method to hear again Esteem Implants by Envoy Medical will provide it for you.

For more information visit http://EsteemImplants.com